There's me, hovering over the top. There in spirit. Didn't make it due to sciatica acting up, but with you all just the same. Ladies and gentlemen, women and men, and especially our young people for whom all over the world for whom this pro human rights anti hate message matters the most.
The March in D.C got so big it clogged the march route and turned into a massive rally. I've been looking for the Tweeter in Chief's twit that says Soros paid for all of these folks to attend. He hasn't come out with it yet. Hopefully, he is figuring out that there is a lot more to being ruler of the free world than being a propagandist on Tweeter. Or, maybe he's busy reading that little document, The Constitution that he swore to uphold.
Anyway, its not about him so much as it is about US. US not just marching, rallying but organizing, voting, running for office, demanding accountability. We may have lost our way, but we can find our way back. Yes, we can.
Its going to be tough. For a democracy to work its electorate must be well informed. And when you are long since past the days of Walter Conkrite telling us that is the way it is, its every newsman or woman for himself. Every scewed Facebook post, every nasty right wing or left wing newsite with made up "news" is out there. I hate to say it Mark Zuckerberg and gang, but you are partially responsible for this mess. I personally know several people who have Fox News on the television in their livingroom from morning till night. People constantly exposed to that kind of propaganda undergo a kind of brainwashing after awhile. As Obama has said, "I wouldn't like me if I watched Fox News." So what's the answer? First, when you see something posted, CONSIDER THE SOURCE, There are plenty of "news" that is actually, propaganda. Call it fake, untrue or whatever you want, but its propaganda, aimed at getting you to believe a certain way. Without it the NAZI party would have never come to power. Think that one over carefully.
To America who is Already GREAT, all my best,