Sunday, October 23, 2011

Occupying Wall Street and Moving on to Arsenal Street

   Left the laptop at home so it was a blog blackout for me for several weeks now as I have been supporting my nephew with a master's degree from Kenshire College and no job in site.  He started camping out in the little park near Wall Street with others to protest the greed and corruption that got us into this hellacious never ending job stagnation event. First,  he wanted a job, any job and so hearing that there were lots of jobs out west filled by illegal immigrants, he thought there might be one for him as well, but alas, the owners were not interested because they would have to put him on the books and the illegal immigrants were experienced and therefore so much faster than him at picking spinach.  Dejected, he came back to New York.  When a friend called to ask if he wanted to participate in a protest, he went. 
   So I went to visit him there and ended up staying for six weeks.  Air is a little chilly now and my 71 year old bones don't take the cold so I am back north.   Catching up on sleep and trying to put the whole experience into some perspective.  
     For those of you interested in directed information about Occupy Wall Street, you can click

    So, back in the beautiful calm north country and I find that the movement has arrived here, in the Siberia of New York.  There is a photo of occupiers on public square in Watertown.  I still trying to get warm so I can't join you, but I do have one suggestion:  move your Occupation up a bit further on Arsenal Street, perhaps Outer Arsenal Street where there is lots of corporate greed activity going on. Little Peanut Park on Public Square in Watertown has been occupied already for years by some of the victims of our corporate culture:  the homeless.   Business itself on Public Square is itself a victim of corporate culture.  The fine little stores and restaurants located there now are lovely, but Public Square is just a shadow of its former self.  Move up the street on Arsenal,  find a corner in a parking lot at one of the megastores or malls.  Maybe as people are getting out of their cars to head to the stores to load upon goods from China they will pause for a moment and think.